2D Computer Schedule
This profession is gaining popularity at a great pace (Foto: scyther5, Shutterstock) Today, 2 December, we celebrate the unofficial professional festival of designers of two-dimensional computer graphics. It is logical that the date of the holiday was chosen with the name of the profession: 2D to 2 December, which is gaining popularity at a great pace.
Computer graphics Used in computer game companies. As artists speak themselves, they work in a “multiful style”. People in this profession often invent heroes, their images, characters, poses, and then draw them.
According to 2D artists, there is a slight difference between the ordinary artists who use the whistle. In both cases, first of all, it is necessary to be able to literate the subjects, to have anatomy, to have some knowledge of the flower, etc. 2D artists, to take up the new project, to draw it first with handcuffs and then to special computer programmes. To become a “computer” artist, it is not necessary to have art education.
Professionals advise starters of 2D artists first to own Photoshop, Corel Painter, Adobe Flash or Illustrator, which can be done on their own. There is a lot of specialized literature, courses, Internet resources, where full lessons are available on a two-dimensional and three-dimensional basis, such as Render, Demiart, Illustrators. These sites may also offer galleries of other artists and the opportunity to place work for discussion.
Professionals also advise that practice needs to be learnt gradually, constantly drawing and improving. As the “computer” artists have pointed out, the quality of their profession is such as a rich fantasy, absorption, labour and acquiescence.
We'll remind you that the next day, 3 December, is a professional holiday celebrated by 3D animators.
Network holidays
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