
Report On The Scope Of The Computer Graphics

A scientific work on a computer graphics training course. Scientific article on the speciality of " National education " , Pedagogica

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DC 378.012
T. V. Chernikova
Annotations. The computer schedule is an essential component of the training of modern professionals. Education methodology model presented in article computer schedule based the interrelationships of several components that are closely intertwined in the educational process are related to the choice of appropriate methods, forms and development of educational tools
The exercise is aimed at educating skills and developing professional creativity, taking into account the individual preferences of the learner, as well as the modern requirements of society and the labour market.
Keywords: learning methodology, computer schedule, training of teachers in computer graphics.
Abstract. Computer graphics is an important component of training future specialists. The paper presents a model of teaching computer graphics based on the interrelation of several components of empirical and theoretical experience of the didactic activities of teachers and aimed at developing professional skills and creativity. ♪ ♪