Компьютерная графика Виктора Цыганова. Обсуждение на LiveInternet

Piece About Computer Schedule

Photo: ISSUE/Alexei Maysev

Fedora Bondarchuk is a fantastic film in the rental. One of the key roles in the picture was played by an actor of films and theater Alexander Petrov. In anticipation of the premiere, the artist met the correspondent of Izvestya.

♪ Your hero in "Prince" is a rebel and a justice fighter. Is that your identity sound?

♪ I think all the heroes I'm playing match my identity. How can you play a character that isn't close to you?

♪ The actors are turning. ♪ ♪

♪ Don't fool yourself. Everyone who says that the camera has changed has become a different person. What other? Yeah, maybe it's an incredible mushroom, but you're still yourself. All the devils of the hero are coming! Although the character of my character Artem is different from that of mine. I'm not doing this in my life. But it's hard for me to talk about him, he's very controversial.

♪ Many viewers suspect that the most interesting, as always, has been concentrated in a trailer, and the movie itself is weaker.

♪ I can say with certainty that the attraction will be better than any of its trailers. It's not the case where the skate was the most brightest fragments and computer scheduleand the rest of the film is so self-evident. Although the effects are not important. At the heart of the story is the love and relationships of people, and it's starting to turn into fantastic baths. It's a social story, very real and even documentary.

♪ I know that your plans for the future include filming in Hollywood. Participation in the Bondarchuk Project will help the career in the West?

♪ I hope so, because the " attraction " comes out not only in Russia but also in many countries in Europe, as well as in the United States and China. It's a big step forward for me. I'd like to be filmed in such projects, or even in something bigger.

♪ Do you agree that the creators of the domestic blockbusters are feeding Hollywood?

Hollywood is a decades-long conway production of mass films. Russia is more like a copycat. But it's just that the attraction combines both. He can take his soul despite all the size and schedule.